Friday 17 January 2014

Sangili Karuppan – The Mystery God ?

The popularity of Karuppanasamy worship has exploded in recent years with many tamil movies like Kannaathaal , Kaalai and Karuppusamy Kuthagaithaarar bringing the infamous protector of tamil villages into the forefront of the modern hindu.
Even major hindu websites like Astroved and World Tamil Foundation who usually focus on mainstream hindu topics like Astrology and Shaiva festivals have started promoting the greatness of this warrior. All of this is due to his very specific attributes that is unlike any other deity in the hindu pantheon of gods.
Sangili Karuppan , one of the most reputable of the Karuppanasamy forms is finally getting his due fame, but there are also pitfalls to be aware of in the worship of this warrior without equal.
Karuppar worship is an ancient hindu practice that predates even the coming of the vedic culture in India. In ancient times,before there was even written knowledge, and all spiritual knowledge was of an oral tradition; from village to village , from Guru to Shishyan ( spiritual teacher to student), Karuppar worship existed.
There are many ancient stories of Sangili Karuppar, from various traditions, with many hard to verify due to various influences diluting the original stories.Even in india ,there are stories of him being linked to the ramayana, as one of Rama’s son. There is no real basis for this in any original Ramayana tradition.
I feel that particular story was identified and modified because with Ramayana being so famous,linking karuppar to it would give him a sort of legitimacy as a god to mainstream hindu audiences. This while done with a good intention, has no real need. One does not need stories to be the foundation of his faith. His faith itself should be the foundation of his faith.
And it is not difficult to build faith with Sangili Karuppar. Because he is such a physically intense deity , you feel his presence almost immediately when you call him earnestly. Sudden heavy gusts of wind , thunder and lightning , sounds of chains rattling , smell of cigar or alcohol have all been experienced by thousands of his devotees all over the world from Singapore to France.
Why Do People Love Him So Much ?
It’s because being a Warrior god in the earthly plane , he understands human tendencies and is extremely quick in answering prayers, just like you would expect a honorable police force to respond immediately to a call of distress from someone. He also has many human characteristics himself owing to his Asura/Araka background.
So What Is His Character ?
If you go through all the various anecdotal stories you hear about him from various village traditions as well as the Arul Vaaku (Trance/Shaman) tradition so popular all around the world, certain key points are repeated over and over again. With that you can at least confirm some of this Mystery God’s tendencies.
Sangili karuppan is known for his utter fearlessness as a warrior and he can stare down an entire army of demons without any fear. Infamous for his ghost catching skills , his Sangili (Chain) is his preferred weapon and it, in his hands is a weapon with no equal, in dealing with evil entities.
Spirits , Jinns , Demons have all been captured by him when they troubled humans and the affected humans come to him for help.He is so well known for his wielding of his Sangili (Chain) and it has struck fear in so many evil entities that has led to everyone calling him Sangili Karuppar or Sangili Karuppasamy ( The Black God Who Wields The Chain).
Other Guardian gods like Ayyanar and Munesswaran, powerful in their own right have in various occasions enlisted the help of Karuppar to capture a particularly strong or crafty evil entity.It is said that when he arrives, he always arrives with the sound of his chains rattling on the ground and a bellowing roar that makes even demon armies scramble away in all directions.
But these warrior tendencies are not the only reason for his popularity.
A Warrior with Compassion
As strict and ruthless as he is when in his duty in dealing with evil, he also shows humans the level of compassion that only a God can. Any human , no matter his mistake ,if he truly repents and seeks him ,will find himself under the protection of this Elder brother-like God.
There have been many interesting stories of Lord Karuppar even going head on with other gods just to protect his devotees from persecution. Being his devotee for over ten years, i have seen many miracles done by him. Giving children boon to couples without children for many years, bringing devotees out from the clutches of certain death , taking the punishment meant for his own devotees unto himself and thus getting the reputation of the rebel god are just some of these things.
How Do You Reach Him ?
Being from the shamanistic Arul Vaaku (trance) tradition, there are many who can call him unto their body and let him speak through them. You can approach them and learn more. As with all paths there are pitfalls and one has to remember that Arul Vaaku is a boon to us humans but sometimes has been misused both knowingly and unknowingly.
I have seen seekers in many forums asking for specific mantra to call him but there really is no need. No magic can control him and he doesn’t obey mantras for the sake of mantras. The best way to reach him is through meditation and japa.
If you are calling a visitor to your home from another country, what will you do? You will learn about their likes and dislikes and structure your home to best represent that so that they feel comfortable when they visit wouldn’t you? In the same way making an altar representing him is the best way to reach him.
Have a separate altar for him from the other deities , buy one of his many pictures you find online (to order one from us contact us above). Frame it and keep it in the altar. Put a stack of heavy chain like the ones used in bicycle locks just below the framed image.Example below.
With the altar , picture and the chain in place,choose an exact time in a day that you are free daily for you to build the connection with him. His force is more active during the night so anytime from the evenings onward is best. Sit facing his image and focus solely on his image for at least thirty minutes a day.
It might be difficult for someone new to be able to just focus on something for 30 minutes straight. What i did when i first started was put ten minute alarm intervals on my phone and let it buzz. I will then stretch for 30 seconds and then go back to doing another 10 minutes of pure focused attention.
Don’t strain your eyes, focus softly,the intensity must be from your mind and concentration, not your eyes. When other thoughts appear (and they will) don’t try to force them out, just let them come and drift away and bring your focus back to him.
Don’t constrict your breath during this. Let it be relaxed. When you become good at this you will see some real intense results. Our mind these days is extremely cluttered. Our five senses clutter them so much that our mind has turned away from god and is so focused on external objects.
When you become good at this basic meditation and concentration technique, you mind starts to develop a frequency with Sangili Karuppar. Whatever you experience from then on is for you to know personally only.
After your thirty minutes of concentration and meditation daily , you can then proceed to chant his basic mantra Aum Sangili Karupanaswamyeh Thunai (meaning Oh Black Warrior God Wielding The Chains, Be With Me) 108 times to finish off. Good Luck !

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