1. Gandhi used to sleep with girls of aged between 18 to 25. Very few people know about this but its true (for detail you can read books by Dr. L .R. BALI named “RANGEELA GANDHI” & “KYA GANDHI MAHATMA THE”) the girls who slept with Gandhi accepted this. Gandhi used to say that he is doing all this for his BRAHMCHARI Experiments. What from his experiments he was wanted to prove nobody knows? Gandhi himself accepted this that at the time of going to London for higher studies he decided to keep himself away from MEAT, DARU and SEX, but he accepted that he could not control himself in the matter of SEX.
2. Gandhi went to South Africa just for earning money and name because here in India he could not do well(flop) there he went mainly to save Abdullah &co. whose business was of smuggling and charged very much for this.
3. In 1932, Gandhi collected 1crore & 32 lakh Rs. in the name of “TILAK SWRAJ” fund, which was collected for the use of DALITS. However, he did not spend even a single penny on DALITS.
4. In his whole life Gandhi kept on shouting that, he is in the supports AAHINSA. However, at the time of Second World War he himself sends Indian army for the fight from England side. AAHINSA kaha geya uss waqt?
5. During daytime, Gandhi spent the day in the Jhugis but he spent the night in the rest house of Birlas.
6. Gandhi advised people to live a simple life, but his simplicity was that when he was in jail there were three women in the jail to serve him for his simplicity!
7. Gandhi did not open a single door of a Hindu temple in Gujrat his home province in India for the UNTOUCHABLES.
8. Gandhi used to say that Subhash Chander Bose is like his own son, but Gandhi went on hunger strike until Bose leave his post in congress. Gandhi promised to British govt. that if we found Bose we will handover him to you (Bose was wanted in those days).
9. Gandhi kept people in dark that he is trying to save Bhagat Singh. However, the truth is that he never tried to contact VICEROY about Bhagat Singh issue. This all is said by the friend of VICEROY & Bhagat Singh named MANMATH NATH in his writings. Gandhi was feared about the popularity of Bhagat Singh because the popularity of Bhagat Singh was increasing of which Gandhi felt nervous.
10. Gandhi was saying that if the Pakistan would made it will only happen after his death. However, it was Gandhi who signed 1st on the proposal of making Pakistan.
11. Gandhi cheated all Indians at ROUND TABLE CONFERENCES by not giving the details in proper & those details, which were true.
12. Gandhi started so many ANDOLANS & LEHARS against British govt. but after a month or after 2 months he withdraw he all those ANDOLANS & LEHARS. Then what was the use of starting all those? What about the sacrifice of all those people who took part in all those ANDOLANS? In addition, he never went to lead people in those ANDOLANS. Even Gandhi’s own sons were against him but I do not know why all people were following him.
13. Now a days almost all Hindu people say Gandhi as a revolutionary, but what he said” I have come here on earth to fulfill the laws of caste.” How can one say such a person as a revolutionary? A true revolutionary never thinks according to caste line, not according to rich, poor etc.
14.Refusing to acknowledge that Pakistan had become an enemy state after its invasion of Kashmir, by undertaking a fast unto death in order to force the Indian government to pay Pakistan 55 crore rupees from the British-Indian treasury. Pakistan was entitled to this money, but given its aggression, it would have been normal to set the termination of its aggression, including the withdrawal of its invading troops, as a condition for the payment. Indeed, that would have been a sterling contribution to the cause of enduring peace, saving the lives of the many thousands who fell in subsequent decades because of the festering wound which Kashmir has remained under partial Pakistani occupation. Coming on top of Gandhi's abandonment of the Hindus trapped in Pakistan in August 1947, it was this pro-Pakistani demand, as well as his use of his choice moral weapon (left unused to save India's unity or the persecuted Hindus in Pakistan) in the service of an enemy state's treasury, that angered a few Hindu activists to the point of plotting his murder.
15. The common denominator in all these costly mistakes was a lack of realism. Gandhi refused to see the realities of human nature; of Islamic doctrine with its ambition of domination; of the modern mentality with its resentment of autocratic impositions; of people's daily needs making them willing to collaborate with the rulers in exchange for career and business opportunities; of the nationalism of the Hindus who would oppose the partition of their Motherland tooth and nail; of the nature of the Pakistani state as intrinsically anti-India and anti-Hindu.
16. The fundamental problem with Gandhi's pacifism, not in the initial stages but when he had become the world-famous leader of India's freedom movement (1920-47), was his increasing extremism. (Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, vol.LXXXVII, p.394-5)
17. Even when the killing had started, Gandhi refused to take pity on the Hindu victims, much less to point fingers at the Pakistani aggressors. More importantly for the principle of non-violence, he failed to offer them a non-violent technique of countering and dissuading the murderers. Instead, he told the Hindu refugees from Pakistan to go back and die. On 6 August 1947, Gandhiji commented to Congress workers on the incipient communal conflagration in Lahore thus: "I am grieved to learn that people are running away from the West Punjab and I am told that Lahore is being evacuated by the non-Muslims. I must say that this is what it should not be. If you think Lahore is dead or is dying, do not run away from it, but die with what you think is the dying Lahore. (*) When you suffer from fear you die before death comes to you. That is not glorious. I will not feel sorry if I hear that people in the Punjab have died not as cowards but as brave men. (*) I cannot be forced to salute any flag. If in that act I am murdered I would bear no ill will against anyone and would rather pray for better sense for the person or persons who murder me." (Hindustan Times, 8-8-1947, CWoMG, vol. LXXXIX, p.11).
18. It is simply not true that India's Independence was the fruit of Gandhian non-violent agitation. It is only Britain's bankruptcy due to World War 2 and the emergence of the anti-colonial United States and Soviet Union as the dominant world powers that forced Clement Attlee's government into decolonizing India. Even then, the trigger events in 1945-47 that demonstrated how the Indian people would not tolerate British rule for much longer, had to do with armed struggle rather than with non-violence: the naval mutiny of Indian troops and the ostentatious nationwide support for the officers of Subhas Bose's Axis-collaborationist Indian National Army when they stood trial for treason in the Red Fort.
19. Gandhi, famous for his pacifism, wasn’t always peace’s biggest advocate. When the British Empire asked him to recruit Indian solders for World War I, citing his work recruitment work in the Boer War, he quickly agreed. Gandhi thought that that his actions and India’s support would warm Britain to the idea giving India more political autonomy. He was mistaken.
20. India received little thanks for the million plus troops they committed to the war other than 13,000 medals of bravery. Over 45,000 Indian troops died in World War I. Sadly, Gandhi failed to negotiate any gain, compromise, or promise from Britain for the roughly 45,000 Indians who died abroad in the British Empire’s name. Gandhi signed away a lot for zero political gain.
21. The main mistake of Gandhij was to support Khilafat movement conducted by the Muslims of India for reckoning the Shah of Turkey after he was dethroned
22. Another mistake of Mahatma Gandhi was to address Jinnah as a Muslim leader.
23. "Had Gandhi not committed these mistakes, Pakistan and Bharat were united Country as Bharat”.
24. One of the most popular ones is that Mahatma Gandhi had an opportunity to stop Bhagat Singh's execution but did not. A variation of this theory is that Gandhi actively conspired with the British to have Singh executed.
25. His autocratic decision to call off the mass agitation for complete independence in 1931, imposed upon his mass following and his close lieutenants against their wishes and better judgment, in exchange for a few puny British concessions falling far short of the movement's demands. He had thrown away his aura as an idealist leader standing above petty politics; the Pact between Gandhi and Viceroy Lord Irwin amounted to the sacrifice of a high national goal in favor of a petty rise in status for the Congress. Also, every delay in the declaration of Independence gave the emerging separatist forces the time to organize and to strengthen their position.
25. His mistake of taking a confused and wavering position vis-à-vis the Partition plan, including false promises to the Hindus of the designated Pakistani areas to prevent Partition or at least to prevent their violent expulsion.
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